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Using Processing Chains in Acoustica

Video by Acon Digital via YouTube
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Using Processing Chains in Acoustica

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00:00 – Introduction
00:49 – Processing Chains in Acoustica ARA
02:32 – Removing background noise and unwanted sounds from a vocal take

In this video, we explore the Processing Chains in Acoustica. This feature allows you to quickly and easily apply a saved combination of audio processing plugins to your audio.

The recent Acoustica 7.7 update includes a wide variety of professionally crafted chain presets to elevate your audio to the next level. Additionally, you can create your own chains using either the onboard Acoustica plugins, your own plugins, or a combination of both.

This feature has many obvious benefits. You can work more efficiently saving time when applying the same processing to multiple channels. Your output can be more consistent, especially useful when working on large projects or collaborating with other musicians and engineers. Also, it makes collaboration with other Acoustica users easier than ever

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