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The latest SSL Live V5.2 software update introduces integrated control of ‘d&b Soundscape’ immersive loudspeaker system and enhanced ‘Rehearsal and Recorder’ functionality.
Get up-to-speed on all the enhancements and additions in SSL Live V5.2 with a guided tour from SSL Product Specialist, Sam Bath.
Available on all SSL Live console which update to V5.2, the new integrated Soundscape control can be activated on every input channel and stem to control key soundscape Object parameters; XY Pan, Spread, En-Space Send, Delay Mode and Mapping Area from the channel detail view. The object-based control of soundscape and GUI design allows operators to manipulate multiple parameters simultaneously, which can then be stored and recalled from within the console’s showfile and scene memories.
Find out more:
00:00 Introduction
01:28 Rehearsal Record System
03:20 Assigning Paths to Groups
04:32 Setting Up Recorder I/O
07:03 Soundscape Integration
07:35 Communication Setup
08:48 Soundscape Controls
10:45 Conclusion