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Soniqe Sound – Serum CTRL | Presets for Xfer Serum Synthesizer

Video by ResonanceSoundCom via YouTube
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Soniqe Sound - Serum CTRL | Presets for Xfer Serum Synthesizer
Soniqe Sound presents the CTRL series. This series of releases will focus on controlling (hence the name) various synths, samplers, effectors and plugins by providing presets and settings. Serum CTRL is all about Xfer’s Serum, providing 64 tech house Serum sounds ranging from basses, synths, stabs to pads, fxs, and sequences. Drawing inspiration from the current underground dance scene and pushing forward to present a wide palette of sounds that is useful and futuristic at the same time. All presets are made with attention to detail, with macros, when needed that, invite you to morph and experiment and programming that showcases the power of this exceptional piece of software using all the goodies available. Inside the pack, you will also find 30 midi files for instant inspiration.

All demo sounds (except the drums and some fxs that are borrowed from previous Soniqe Sound releases) are Serum presets included in the pack.

In detail: 64 tech house Serum Presets (21 Bass Presets, 5 FX Presets, 27 Lead Presets, 3 Pad Presets, and 8 Sequenced Presets) and 30 Midi Files (10 Bass, 20 Synth)

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique