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Sample Import
You already know that Loopcloud has over 4 million samples, loops, one shots, MIDI clip and Synth Presets and that each are tagged by Loopcloud itself and our Loopcloud team to make sure the browsing, filtering and searching experience is incredibly smooth and quick. Well, the really good news, you can import your own sounds and Loopcloud will analyze them and tag them automatically.
There are a number of ways to get your sounds into Loopcloud. There is the Import Sounds option int he File menu, there is the Import Sounds button in the Library tab, or you can simply drag and drop any files or folders or even folder structures into Loopcloud.
As soon as sounds are imported Loopcloud will start the analyze them. It will try to discern things like BPM and Instrument types as well as things like Stereo Width and Rhythmic Density.
Once this is done, you have full control over editing, removing or adding any tags that you want so you can take full advantage of Loopcloud’s searching features.
Most of the work will be done for you. Check our Tagging video tutorial on how to customize any tags you might want to. Let Loopcloud be your one place for storing and finding the right sounds.