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MIDI Controller Rack For Amp Simulation & Software Effects with Axiom

MIDI Controller Rack For Amp Simulation & Software Effects with Axiom

Video by bluecataudio via YouTube
View bluecataudio on Plugin Boutique
MIDI Controller Rack For Amp Simulation & Software Effects with Axiom

Control your amp simulation and effects like a real guitar amp and fx pedals with this DIY MIDI controller. It uses Axiom’s advanced MIDI control capabilities: bi-directional MIDI communication, multi-channel support for multiple controllers and more.

Full article here:

Want to know more about our unique multi fx processor with built-in amp simulation?

0:00 Introduction
0:13 Controlling FX
0:50 Selecting Presets
0:58 Control The Amp Simulation
1:11 Bi-directional MIDI (Sync)
1:40 Adjusting Reverb With A Single Knob (Macros)
1:54 Presets Navigation Made Easy
2:06 No Value Jump
2:26 Chorus Time!
3:05 Vintage Tone With Tremolo
3:48 Auto Filter Fun
4:22 Enjoy The Tone And Play…!

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