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Live Stream 22 August 2024 Predator-3 ARP/SEQ Session

Video by Rob Papen via YouTube
View Rob Papen on Plugin Boutique
Live Stream 22 August 2024 Predator-3 ARP/SEQ Session

00:00 Start Live Stream Predator-3
03:12 ARP Tutorial Start
03:58 Activating the ARP
04:39 ARP A up to ARP D
06:27 Command features!
08:36 ARP Playmodes for A till D
12:38 Modes from the ARP
17:28 Tie Modes
18:59 Rob hits the wrong button!
19:12 13seconds later back again
24:43 Instead of SEQ in CHORD mode
27:54 Ratcheting
32:41 VEL/KEY Feature
39:37 Settings differences ARP A until D
42:25 Recap with moving to PopCorn versus PingPong
47:34 Final conclusion of the Live Stream
51:10 Tom Aldrich’s song ‘After the Party’ with 10x Predator-3

Short studio-tour video with RP music:

Waldorf M soundset by Rob Papen, based on the two original Microwave cards.

Livestream with the Yamaha CS-30

Livestream with the Roland SH-101

Korg MS-20 with SQ-10 and the RP switching board.

Pictures and info of the current RP studio:

00:00 Predator-3

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique