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Interviewing 75 Actors with HypeMiC & First Take | Cinematography For Actors

Video by Apogee Electronics via YouTube
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Interviewing 75 Actors with HypeMiC & First Take | Cinematography For Actors

We stopped by the 19th Annual Oscar Qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival to catch up with the team over at Cinematography for Actors and see how they were able to record a live podcast using HypeMiC and First Take. The team needed an easy solution to help record & stream a live podcast with up to 75 actors, directors, screenwriters, etc. over the course of a week. Here is how they were able to set this up thanks to the power of First Take and HypeMiC.

Learn more about First Take:

First Take

Learn more about HypeMiC:

Apogee HypeMiC – The only USB Microphone with an Analog Compressor

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