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Graindad and Friends

Video by Sugar Bytes via YouTube
View Sugar Bytes on Plugin Boutique
Graindad and Friends

This video aims to explore Graindad with several real world audio sources and instruments. The main topics focused on throughout the exploration involve realtime harmonization and transposition. We look at different use cases for Rec modes such as Trigger Rec and Host Clock, and lean heavily into the granular engine’s MIDI Pitch capabilities.
There are many ways to approach granular synthesis, and many ways which Graindad can be employed. These few techniques represent just a fraction of Graindad’s sound design potential, and can be seen as entry points for deeper programming.

Tascam 424 00:00

Guitar & GD technique 1 7:36

Matriarch & GD 10:33

Guitar & GD technique 2 18:13

Trial versions on Plugin Boutique