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Discussion • Record new track synchronized with existing backing tracks

Author: peter.koellner

Hi, I got a new task I think I might use Amadeus Pro for, but I don’t have it totally clear how to do it best. I want to send some recordings to my saxophone teacher. These recordings consist of some stereo backing track which I play back and play along to. So what I have until now is: I import the backing audio file into a stereo track, then add another mono track to receive the recording from the instrument micro, start the playback of the backing track, and then start the recording for the mono track. The first attempt was more or less ok, but I had to manually move the mono track after the recording to synchronize it with the backing track, since it was somehow misaligned. Can I somehow start the playback of some tracks at the same time as the recording of a new synchronized track? After completing the recording I want to fold back the new mono track over the backing track to produce an mp3 audio file to send out. Does this make sense?

Edit: Found another thread scrolling a few pages back.. So “Sound -> Recording to new track” (Sonido -> “Grabar en nueva pista” en español) starts the playback and a new recording at the same time. will try that tomorrow with the micro.

Statistics: Posted by peter.koellner — Mon Jul 10, 2023 10:19 pm

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