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Discussion • Marker disappears on version 2.8.13

Author: jimpoor

I’m editing a piece of music and when I place two markers between the space that I want to omit, after hitting delete, the markers disappear. I am sitting next to someone who currently has version 2.8.10 installed and they do not have this issue. I am assuming that this is a bug.

Steps to recreate:

1. Open any .mp3/.mp4 file
2. Make two spots where you want to mark the music
3. Select the range in between the two markers
4. Hit delete

Actual result: Marker is deleted completely, with no indication of where the modification was made.

Expected result: Marker where the deletion was made should still show up on the playback timeline.

Statistics: Posted by jimpoor — Sun Aug 11, 2024 10:47 pm

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