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Discussion • Future Request: Video Floating Window & Revised Plugins

Author: SINC

I love this program but there is a big double BUTT that stops it from being near perfect:

1. A Video Display in a floating window when editing its audio. When Top/Tailing Videos to send to clients, you can’t really see if you’re going to truncate the video etc. when making audio edits. To be able to see the video, and its position when you’re editing is VITAL!

I requested this once before but crickets. I don’t know why this just hasn’t been implemented yet. I have to keep going to Adobe Audition or keep it all in ProTools and go back/forth. PLEASE can you implement this feature?

2. Adding AudioUnits Plugins –> Currently there is a looooot of scrolling, and looking for company names that don’t appear alphabetically. I spend so much time looking for the plugins I need. The plugin system really needs to be overhauled and features:

a. Adding a search feature in the Rack: (Currently, pressing a letter on the keyboard takes you to the Manufacturer and not the plugins, still requiring more scrolling. Can you add a search bar at the top of the window?

b..Being able to use the rack on a number of open sessions, rather than a “once only” application? To have a window chain that remains open, so you can make minor to some minor revisions of the plugins in the chain which may version from each open session, but still require the same chain of plugins.

c. Being able to keep plugins open to use across more than one open session, rather than falling back on “repeat last action”. This is so important when you are preparing multiple assets that require levelling or when you may want to make slight adjustments to the same plug-in on another asset. Its time consuming to continually have to scroll around finding plugins, in the current way AudioUnits effects are handled.

I can see SO much potential for the app… but for me, and other’s that I know that use this program are continually frustrated by its shortcomings from being almost perfect.

Thank you for all the good work you have put into the program already. Just these additions are pretty crucial if you’re a Pro Audio user like myself needing a 2-Track editor to make last-minute revisions for clients.

Thanks, Geo.

Statistics: Posted by SINC — Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:20 pm

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