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Discussion • Batch processing folders–files copy but artist- and album-named folders don’t

Author: banjoboy

I am trying to copy about 100 individual-artist folders containing album sub-folders of flac files from one flash drive to another, while changing file format from flac to mp3 and leaving originals where they are. I would like for each named artist folder to appear on target flash drive, with named album folders inside artist folders. I have tried checking and not checking options: filter files, open sub-folders recursively, or retain folder hierarchy. When I drag an artist folder containing album folders of flac files to the batch processor, the files copy as mp3 to the new destination but they are not in artist and album folders; the process produces only a list of files in the new mp3 format. How can I get the transferred files to be in folders with original artist and album folder names?

Should I drag the individual-artist folders containing album sub-folders to the “Drop files here” area, or should I put all of the individual-artist folders and their sub-folders (albums) in one folder and drag that folder to the “Drop files area”?


Statistics: Posted by banjoboy — Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:33 am

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