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Discussion • (2.8.12 – 2649) can’t change sample rate

Author: ioannis

Hmm, problem came back in AP.

If I click below left in the open file window to change Sampling rate & depth
the depth parameter changes as expected, but the rate not. Choosing any of the various rates listed on the drop-down menu doesn’t change the rate (either below left or as seen at the blue “info” button above right).
The chosen value also doesn’t appear in the field “Sampling Rate” of the little dialogue window…
In the preferences I’ve set the standard at 48kH/24b

NB: the previous version worked fine immediately after reinstalling, but then it somehow got corrupted again.
No drama, but it spares the trouble of quickly using another app to just chanfge the sampling rate.


Statistics: Posted by ioannis — Tue May 30, 2023 12:08 pm

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