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Music Making Livestream with Ryan Harlin & Chris Reed #shorts

Music Making Livestream with Ryan Harlin & Chris Reed #shorts

Video by Reason Studios via YouTube
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Music Making Livestream with Ryan Harlin & Chris Reed #shorts

What happens when Ryan Harlin and Chris Reed sit down to make music and then SWAP ideas? Well… actually, we don’t know! So let’s found out on a Reason livestream. Chris and Ryan will get started on their own ideas and after some period of time, just when they’re starting to like how it’s sounding, they’ll swap Reason files and carry on for each other. Do they take each other’s music in cool new directions? Do they ruin the vision and intent of the song? Do they at least entertain in the process? We’ll know all of that on January 25 at 10am Pacific, 19:00 European time!

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